Sunday 4 December 2011

The Music of Today aka Garbage

I love music...i absolutely love it. It can do many things for you…cheer you up…make you sad...or both...or you can listen to it just for the heck of it. Some songs make you think...they have deep meanings that are not easily understood...others make you question yourself...and think about what you are doing for the world. So basically what im trying to say is that songs can be pretty powerful...they engage your emotions.

The songs of today however…just make you want to kill yourself….they make you want to take a gun to your head and pull the trigger….or jump off a bridge…or jump off a building…or do these things to the “artists” who make these songs…which I think is justifiable given the sheer amount of sickening vomit that is their songs…

Firstly…the lyrics…case in point : Kesha…the following few lines are from a song by her called “Tell me bitch that you love me”…ughh… :

Why will you not just tell me you want me be-och?

(Tell Me)

Why will you not just tell me?
Why will you not?
(Just Tell Me)
Just tell me (Come On)
Just tell me

Kindly excuse me while I gnaw my nails off…seriously…WHYYY WHYYYY ARE MUSICIANS LIKE HER FAMOUS AND MAKING MONEY???? WHY IS SHE MAKING MONEY??? Money could be used for sooo much more…I swear its enough to make you cry…I MEAN LOOK AT THOSE LYRICS :’( … they deserve to be taken out and shot … THIS OVER PINK FLOYD??? THIS OVER U2?? HOW CAN LOGICAL PEOPLE MAKE THAT CHOICE???...

And the worst part is that musi..wait im not gonna use that word for these going to call all of them trash-spouters. So…the worst part is that trash-spouters like these are forcing out GOOD PROPER musicians like “The Music” out of work…those guys are good yet…somehow…for some reason that I just cannot fathom..they fail to get record deals while..this…this THING called Kesha who spells her name in the MOST RETARDED way possible (Ke$ha) is making tons of money…and that thing that people refer to as…Justin Beiber…who has yet to even develop a voice…

 A better way to use money than to spend on this “music” would be to burn it and use it as firewood in the winter.

The other day, I was listening to “Time” by Pink Floyd…a sample of the lyrics:

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.

You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

Read these lyrics…now read the lyrics I posted above it…now cry. Because Kesha…is considered a musician...the same was as Pink Floyd…where is the justice? Where?....NO-FRIGGIN-WHERE :@ :@ :@ ASDOUIYW*AUASJDH)(#&$^*@#&$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh and these are just the lyrics don’t even get me started on the ACTUAL music…its not fit to be called music…torture would be a more apt term…I swear if the authorities start using these songs during would have known where Osama Bin Laden was MILLENIUMS AGO. The music is shite…its like….AUTOTUNE OVERKILL….thats all it is…its music made on computers not even with real instruments…its HORRIBLE.

Sigh….if its one thing pop music today teaches us is that the world is a cruel, unfair and unjust place…because if this kind of music…and I use the term music loosely loose as possible…can make it onto the radiowaves..well then…what more evidence do you need that the world is just...going to the dogs. Or maybe it already has. *tear*

Wednesday 23 November 2011


THIS IS NEW FOR ME !!! ILL START WRITING THINGS SOON !...prolly on the weekend..cos other times im doing other stuff.